Advanced Backing DriverDirect
1-day course
Classroom 2-2.5 hours
Behind-the-wheel 4.5 to 5 hours
Advanced Backing DriverTrainer
2-day course
Day1: Classroom & Behind-the-wheel
Day 2: Classroom & Behind-the-wheel
*Prerequisite: must have active DriverTrainer certification

Our Curriculum includes:
- Proper mirror adjustments
- Vehicle Blind spot Demonstration
- Diminishing ones
- Serpentine
- Three-Point Backing Maneuver (Sigh side and Blindside)
- Three-Point Parallel Parking
- Right Turn Maneuver
We come to your location and conduct classes

Pick your training dates
What dates are best for your team? Consecutive days are best, but we’ll do what is convenient for you.

Choose the location
Where would you like to hold the class(es)? If you provide the meeting room, we’ll be there. Most customers have us visit their office locations.

Provide the training van
The vehicle needs to accommodate 6-7 adults comfortably. Optional: We may be able to bring the vehicle to you if you need it.
These open enrollment classes are a great option if your employees are spread out at different locations or if you have just 1 or 2 people who need the training.

View our prescheduled dates and register
We have classes scheduled in major cities across the country. Choose the location that fits your schedule. Click HERE to view and register.

Enter your information
We’ll need your name, email address, and phone number (and a few additional things) and then you will have the opportunity to pay with a credit card.

Show up for class
We provide the meeting room and the training vehicle, so just bring yourself and be ready to learn to drive different.