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Course Preview
The Smith5Keys® Core Content
The 5Keys® to Forward Motion and Reversing is a comprehensive introduction to our time-tested Smith5Keys®. These concepts, once understood and applied, have been proven to significantly reduce motor vehicle crash rates, lower company costs and save lives.
- Available in small/midsize vehicles or truck/large vehicle
- Interactive Courses approximately 60 minutes to complete
- 10 modules with knowledge check assessments
- Traffic patterns are analyzed utilizing our proven Smith5Keys® techniques
- Available in 17 languages
- English
- Dutch
- Spanish
- Thai
- German
- Arabic
- French
- Hindi
- Italian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Turkish
- Chinese
- Korean
- Norwegian
- Swedish
- Czech
The Smith5Keys® Driving Series
The Driving Series is tailored to some of the biggest issues threatening driver safety today.
- Each course is approximately 20 minutes in length.
- The Smith5Keys® techniques are applied to every topic
- Course titles include: Driving The 5Keys® (Small Vehicle, Truck, Utility or Bus & Transit)
Driving Space Preview
Course titles in this series:
- Driving Space
- Driving Prepared
- Driving Drowsy
- Driving Distracted
- Driving Family
- Driving Lease Roads
- Driving Roundabouts
- Driving Technology
- Driving Reverse
- Driving at Night
- Driving Weather
- Driving the 5Keys
- Driving EVs
The Smith5Keys® Arrive Alive Series
These short eLearning modules focus on critical and relevant driver safety topics
- The Arrive Alive courses range in length from 3 to 7 minutes
- 12 individual courses – perfect for monthly reminders
- The Smith5Keys® techniques are applied to every topic
Drowsy Driving Preview
Course titles in this series:
- Drowsy Driving
- Following Distance
- Saving Fuel
- Avoiding Distractions
- Margin for Error
- Proper Positioning in Traffic
- Backing Collisions
- Avoiding Intersection Collisions
- Emotions and Driving
- Avoiding a Rear-End Collision
- Foul Weather Driving
- Building Effective Seeing Habits

Health, HR & Safety Libraries
Smith System provides a comprehensive library of on-demand training options covering a variety of topics. Click on the topics below to view all of the Safety Suite courses.
Workplace Safety
Our eLearning courses address some of the most common safety issues found in the workplace. From preventing back injuries and asbestos exposure to protecting against heat stress and hearing loss, we help raise awareness so your employees know what to do in virtually any scenario.
Courses include:
◉ Abrasive Wheels and Grinder Safety
◉ Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records
◉ Accident Investigation
◉ Accident Prevention Signs and Tags
◉ Aerial Lift Safety
◉ Alcohol Awareness
◉ Asbestos Safety
◉ Atmospheric Testing
◉ Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
◉ Back Injury Prevention
◉ Banding and Box Cutter Safety
◉ Basic Rigging
◉ Benzene Safety
◉ Bloodborne Pathogen Safety
◉ Cold Stress
◉ Compressed Gas Safety
◉ Confined Spaces
◉ Crane Safety
◉ Electrical Safety
◉ Electrical Safety NFPA 70E
◉ Emergency Action Planning
◉ Emergency Action Planning and Fire Safety
◉ Ergonomics
◉ Fall Protection Part 1 and 2
◉ Fire Safety
◉ First Aid Basics
◉ Flammable Liquids
◉ Hand and Power Tool Safety
◉ Hand, Wrist, and Finger Safety
◉ Hazard Communication
◉ Hearing Conservation
◉ Heat Stress
◉ Housekeeping – Industrial
◉ Housekeeping – Office
◉ Housekeeping for Workplace Safety
◉ Housekeeping – Vehicle
◉ Hydrogen Sulfide
◉ Industrial Ergonomics
◉ Infectious Disease Prevention at Work
◉ Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (I2P2)
◉ Intro to OSHA
◉ Job Safety Analysis
◉ Ladder Safety
◉ Loading Dock Safety
◉ Lockout Tagout
◉ Machine Guarding
◉ Materials Handling Safety
◉ Mercury Safety
◉ Occupational Exposure to Lead
◉ Office Ergonomics
◉ Office Safety
◉ Pallet Jacks
◉ PCB Awareness
◉ Powered Industrial Trucks (Forklifts) Overview
◉ Pre-Task and Daily-Task Analyses
◉ Preventing Overexertion, Strains, and Sprains
◉ Proper Hand-Washing
◉ Respiratory Protection
◉ Safe Lifting in the Workplace
◉ Scaffolding Safety
◉ Silica Awareness
◉ Slips, Trips, Falls
◉ Spill Prevention, Control, Countermeasure
◉ Static Electricity
◉ Stormwater Pollution Prevention
◉ Struck-By/Caught-Between Hazards
◉ Trenching and Excavation Part 1 and 2
◉ Universal Waste
◉ Walking Working Surfaces
◉ Warehouse Safety
◉ Welding, Cutting, Brazing, and Hot Work
◉ Working Over or Near Water
◉ Workplace Safety Orientation
D.O.T. Compliance
If you have fleet vehicles or drivers who fall under Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations, we have the most current and effective training courses available to reduce risk and ensure compliance.
Courses include:
◉ Alcohol Awareness
◉ CSA Overview
◉ Diet and Exercise
◉ DOT 2-Hour Reasonable Suspicion Course Package
◉ DOT Driver Compliance
◉ Driver Fatigue
◉ Drug-Free Workplace Part 1, 2 and 3
◉ HAZMAT Transportation Part 1, 2 and 3
◉ Reasonable Suspicion Part 1, 2 and 3
Health & Wellness
Maintaining a sound mind and body is crucial to performing well on the job. Setting aside time in your schedule to exercise regularly, eating a well-balanced diet, limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption, quitting tobacco use, and managing stress are keys to a successful career and overall life.
Courses include:
◉ Alcohol Awareness
◉ Diet and Exercise
◉ Stress
◉ Tobacco and Smoking
HR & Leadership Development
Our HR & Leadership Development training will help your employees succeed at working together as a team in a healthy, effective manner.
Courses include:
◉ Change Agility
◉ Coaching Skills
◉ Creating a Training Plan
◉ Delegation
◉ Delivering Feedback
◉ Diversity
◉ Drug-Free Workplace
◉ Effective Communication
◉ Goal Setting
◉ Sexual Harassment Part 1, 2, 3 and 4
◉ Social Sensitivity
◉ Workplace Violence Prevention
Additional Driving Courses
We also offer the following driving-related courses that do not reinforce the Smith 5Keys:
Courses include:
◉ Accidents and Breakdowns
◉ Avoiding Rear-End Collisions – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Backing – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Changing Lanes – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Close Quarter Maneuvering – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Closing the Loop
◉ CSA Overview
◉ Defensive Driving – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Delivery Driver Safety
◉ Distracted Driving
◉ DOT Driver Compliance
◉ Driver Fatigue
◉ Driving Your Brand
◉ Extreme Driving Conditions – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Failure to Yield – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Fifteen-Passenger Vans
◉ Fleet Safety
◉ Food Service Delivery Driver
◉ HAZMAT Transportation Part 1, 2 and 3
◉ Load Securement Part 1 and 2
◉ Overhead Clearance
◉ Parking Lot Safety
◉ Pre-Trip Inspections – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Reasonable Suspicion Part 1, 2 and 3
◉ Responsible Driver Series: Accidents and Breakdowns
◉ Responsible Driver Series: Collisions
◉ Responsible Driver Series: Defensive Driving
◉ Responsible Driver Series: Distracted Driving
◉ Responsible Driver Series: Food Delivery Safety
◉ Responsible Driver Series: Harassment
◉ Road Rage
◉ Safe Turning for Trucks
◉ Seat Belt Safety
◉ Smartphones and Smarter Driving
◉ Speeding Awareness – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Stop Signs and Signals – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Tailgating Awareness – Small or Large Vehicles
◉ Towing Trailers
Custom Training Content
Thanks to our advanced content management system (CMS), we can create new courses or alter existing ones to tailor them to your specific needs and concerns. Custom training content options include rebranding courses with your logo and corporate colors, adding your site-specific content to our off-theshelf content, and building a new training course from scratch.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help meet your custom training content needs.